Breeding, Newborn Care Tips, Pharmacy Tips, Puppy and Kitten Care, Whelping

Whelping Moms & Sick Newborn Puppies: Be Prepared

When whelping and during a newborns first few days of life, you want to be prepared. You stock up supplies so you’re ready for any situation. But what about prescriptions? Getting a prescription ahead of time isn’t always possible, so here are some prescription and non-prescription options you can discuss with your veterinarian and possibly have on hand in case you should suddenly need them.

Whelping Aids

Contractions: Prescription Oxytocin is used if mom is needing help with contractions or lactation. Breeder’s Edge Oral Cal Plus gel, is a non-prescription option that supports strong and normal contractions.

Lactation: If mom is struggling with lactation, prescription Metoclopramide for dogs or a non-prescription supplement such as Breeder’s Edge Oxy Momma are useful to promote milk production.

Whelping Kit Button

Sick Newborn Puppy Antibiotics, Electrolytes and Other Meds

Fluids: A sick newborn puppy can suddenly stop eating, nursing and drinking, so be ready with fluids so the puppy doesn’t quickly become dehydrated. Prescription items you may want to have on hand for sick neonates include normal saline or lactated ringers. Breeder’s Edge Puppy Lyte is a great non-prescription option for these situations.

Antibiotics: Prescription Clavamox or Clavamox drops are helpful in newborn bacterial infections; however, antibiotics should only be administered when recommended by a veterinarian.

Sick: Puppies that are less than 48 hours old and are sick, septic or have unexplained bleeding have reduced thrombin levels/blood clotting and can benefit from a prescription Vitamin K treatment.

Respiratory Stimulation: If a puppy is not breathing after 10 minutes of stimulation and suctioning, it may be worth trying Dopram. This is a prescription injectable that will stimulate the respiratory center of the brain.

As always, check with your veterinarian before using any prescription products on your pet. If you have questions about your cat or dog’s prescription, call our pharmacy staff and we are happy to help!

-Lori, Pharm. D.

Written by: Lori S., Pharm D.

Pharmacist in Charge

I grew up on a farm and had once considered becoming a vet. In fact, I still live on a family farm with my husband, three kids and lots of animals. Working at Revival brings together my passion for pharmacy and pets. If there is a prescription product you'd like to see us carry, please don't hesitate to reach out and let our Pharmacy Team know.

If you need help, call us at 800.786.4751.