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What Is a DAPPv Vaccine for Dogs?

Whether you’re a new puppy owner or a seasoned breeder, you want to do everything you can to keep your canine healthy, safe and happy. Vaccines are one of your first steps toward achieving this because they support your dog’s immune system through illnesses and help to reduce the pain they experience when sick.

The DAPPv vaccine is one of the most essential vaccines for dogs. This guide explains everything you need to know about what this vaccine is, how it works, how often your dogs should take them and what the Nobivac® 1-DAPPv vaccine is.

What Is the DAPPv Vaccine for Dogs?

DAPPv stands for distemper virus, adenovirus, hepatitis, parainfluenza and parvovirus. This vaccine helps support dogs against these five diseases and is globally considered one of the core vaccines dogs should take. Puppies must receive this vaccination to help maintain their health and safety. While less frequent, older dogs may also take this vaccine to support their health. However, it is best to avoid administering this vaccine to unhealthy and pregnant canines.

If you’re a first-time dog breeder, it’s also good to know about the side effects your dogs may experience. Within the first 24 to 48 hours, they may experience mild lethargy, low-grade fever or loss of appetite.

What Does the DAPPv Shot for Dogs Help With?

Let’s take a more in-depth look at how this combination vaccine may help dogs handle different diseases.

Canine Distemper Virus

The distemper virus often affects the respiratory, gastrointestinal and nervous systems, influencing long-term side effects such as pneumonia and seizures. When owners take their canines to get the DAPPv vaccine, it may help to reduce the severity of the effects if they do catch it.


Type 1 and type 2 adenoviruses may cause symptoms like lethargy, coughing, fever and nasal discharge. Sometimes, it can lead to hepatitis (inflammation of the liver), pneumonia or tracheobronchitis when a dog has additional health issues, an infection or is still young. This makes the DAPPv vaccine particularly helpful for younger dogs in helping build their immune system.


Another advantage of this combination vaccine is that it helps support dogs through symptoms of hepatitis like fever, congestion and watery discharge from the eyes or nose. If you want to influence a healthier life for your dog, the DAPPv vaccine may help to maintain a healthy immune system starting from just a few weeks old.


This contagious disease can offer symptoms like lethargy, abdominal pain, fever, bloating and hypothermia — it may even be fatal. What’s more, other canines may easily catch this disease through direct contact with the infected dog or its stool. For this reason, you’ll want to consider adding the DAPPv vaccine to the puppy vaccination schedule.


Parainfluenza, also known as CPIV, is one of the most common respiratory viruses that may cause a wet or dry cough, loss of energy or appetite, and a low-grade fever. To help reduce long-term effects, this broad protection vaccine aims to support a dog’s health and may be especially helpful when a dog gets it at just a few weeks old or when they are born with a weak immune system.

Why Is the DAPPv Vaccine Important?

Aside from all that we mentioned above, there are still various reasons why you should vaccinate your dogs with the DAPPv vaccine. It helps to override maternal antibodies, offering a beneficial way to support puppies who are a few weeks old. Additionally, the first vaccine only offers enough protection for when they are young, which means they will need to go for additional booster DAPPv vaccines for potentially improved health.

DAPPV image

Booster vaccines like the DALPP help support canines through leptospirosis, which is a bacterial disease that puppies and adult dogs can gain through contaminated water. Because this disease is common after heavy rains and easy for humans to catch, the DAPPv vaccine is an asset to your dog’s health.

How Often Do Dogs Need the DAPPv Vaccine?

The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) recommends that canines begin taking the first DAPPv vaccine at six weeks old. Then, at two- to four-week intervals, puppies should take this vaccine at least two more times until they are 16 to 18 weeks old. . The next booster for DAPPv is approximately 1 year after the final puppy booster, with annual to triannual boosters, based on your dog’s lifestyle.

Altogether, these five vaccines make up their initial vaccines to support a normal lifestyle. From this point onwards, the dog should receive one dose of the vaccine one year after the last initial vaccination and then receive the subsequent DAPPv boosters every three years. It’s best for all dogs to have a DAPPv vaccine schedule unless a canine has a medical reason for avoiding this vaccination.

What Is the Nobivac® Canine 1-DAPPv?

The Nobivac® Canine 1-DAPPv vaccine for dogs is a particular vaccine brand that has proven its effectiveness in supporting dogs six weeks old or older. It is often called a 5-way dog vaccine because it supports dogs through five different illnesses, namely canine distemper virus, adenovirus type 1 and 2, parainfluenza and parvovirus.

To assist canines in building up their immune system, the vaccine contains a live modified virus. This helps the immune system of puppies and adult dogs to get used to the virus and understand how to combat it so that if they do get sick later on, their bodies know how to fight it, helping them lead a more normal lifestyle.

When administering this vaccine to your dog, it’s important to ensure you get a new, nonchemically sterilized needle and syringe for their safety and that you avoid mixing the DAPPv vaccine with any other vaccines. You’ll also want to make sure that you store the product at 35-45 degrees Fahrenheit while avoiding freezing the product.

To administer the vaccine, transfer the liquid in the sterile diluent vial into the Nobivac® Canine 1-DAPPv vial and inject your healthy and nonparasitized dog with one milliliter dose beneath the skin.

Get the Nobivac® Canine 1-DAPPv Vaccine for Dogs With Revival Animal Health

DAPPV at Revival

The DAPPv vaccine is an essential part of the puppy vaccine schedule and a great way to help maintain your animal family’s health. Do your pets need the Nobivac® Canine 1-DAPPv vaccine? Revival Animal Health offers canine vaccines, including the Nobivac® 1-DAPPv. Our pet vaccine experts have been offering reliable combination vaccines for dogs for over 30 years to various dog breeders and pet professionals.

When calling our services, our trained and knowledgeable Pet Care Pros will take your order and assist you with any additional concerns you may have regarding your canine’s vaccine. We welcome you to contact our Pet Care Pros today to start implementing a DAPPv vaccine schedule. If you need help, call us at 800.786.4751.

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Written by: Shelley Hexom

Content Manager

Shelley Hexom is Revival's Content Manager and helps develop educational pet health resources. A three-time Emmy® Award-winning news anchor, Shelley works with Revival's Director of Veterinary Services, Dr. Marty Greer, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, to help create useful and easy-to-understand articles, videos, and webinars. Shelley received her bachelor's degree in Mass Communications from Winona State University in 2002. As a pet owner, Shelley enjoys time with her Boxer mix, Sally. Shelley has been part of the Revival Team since 2016.

If you need help, call us at 800.786.4751.