MiniTherm Slide Warmer
The MiniTherm: A Compact and Affordable Stage Warmer for Sperm Motility Analysis
Sperm motility and velocity is highly dependent on temperature. For the most accurate assessment of motility, the sample should be maintained as close to 37°C as possible during analysis.
Before, large and costly microscope stage heaters were the only option. Now, with the MiniTherm Stage Warmer, a portable, low-cost alternative is available.
Designed for use with disposable sperm analysis chambers, the MiniTherm Stage Warmer maintains sample temperature at 37°C. Simply plug in the warmer, place on the microscope stage and allow a few minutes to reach 37°C. The MiniTherm Stage Warmer automatically calibrates to 37°C.
The MiniTherm Stage Warmer is ideal for veterinarians who need to travel to farms and perform motility analysis on-site. Because the MiniTherm Stage Warmer is not mounted to a single microscope stage, it can easily be carried from farm to farm.
A temperature validation slide is provided with all MiniTherm Stage Warmers. The validation slide is placed on the MiniTherm Stage Warmer. When the validation slide turns from black (below left) to green (below right), the MiniTherm Stage Warmer is ready to use. 3.10” long by 2” wide and .25" thick.