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Datamars ID Microchip




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  • Each Datamars ID Microchip contains a unique 15-digit identification code
  • The durable glass capsule is pre-loaded into the disposable one-way implanter



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Product Details
  • Each Datamars ID Microchip contains a unique 15-digit identification code
  • The durable glass capsule is pre-loaded into the disposable one-way implanter
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Each Datamars ID microchip contains a unique 15-digit identification code that is ISO compatible, so you know your pet can be identified every time. The extremely durable glass capsule is pre-loaded into the disposable one-way implanter for easy and painless implantation. Each capsule contains an antenna coil and the microchip with the indelible RFID identification code. This Datamars microchip does not come with registration.

AutoShip is now available! AutoShip is the most convenient way to get the items you need delivered on a regular schedule, so you never run out. You can also save 5% on every AutoShip Order.

General Microchipping Instructions:
1. Scan the pet to verify whether he or she has a microchip that was previously implanted.
2. Scan the Datamars blister pack to verify that the microchip is functional, and that the ID code matches the accompanying barcode labels.
3. Implant the Datamars microchip. Then rescan the pet to verify that the microchip can be localized.
4. Do not forget to complete the pet's registration in a database like PetLink.
5. If the pet is ever lost, hopefully his or her microchip can be scanned, and the owner's information retrieved.

Registering Datamars microchips with PetLink:
Datamars Chip registration forms can be obtained by calling Vedco at 888-708-3326.
Mail chip Registration forms and a one-time fee of $19.99 to:

c/o Datamars Inc.
250 West Cummings Park
Woburn, MA 01801

Microchip Record Keeping Form
Suitable for all companion animals.
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