Breeding, Diseases, Facility Management, Newborn Care Tips, Puppy and Kitten Care

Nebulizer Treatment for Dogs and Cats

Can you use a nebulizer on animals? Nebulizers are delivery systems in which bulk liquids containing dissolved drugs are put into a fine particle mist. The resulting mist is breathed in, allowing delivery directly to the respiratory tract. Inhaled therapy allows higher concentration of antibiotic to be delivered where needed without toxic levels being reached. Symptoms are alleviated and breathing eased. Nebulization therapy breaks up congestion, which supports an animal’s immune response. A major benefit of nebulization therapy is seeing quick, positive results.

Nose Drops for Cats and Dogs

Upper respiratory infection (URI) causes animals not to breathe through the nose. Effective therapy for upper respiratory infections in the nasal sinus takes a step to allow “nose breathing” while inhaling. Nebulization for dogs and cats works best if animals can breathe through their nose, getting to the source of the problem.

Saline Nose Drops for Dogs and Cats

Saline solution given one drop at a time in the nostril will open the nasal passage, allowing nose breathing. One or two drops in each nostril will open the airway, making nebulizing more effective.

Antibiotics are often added to the drops and dropped in the nose to get dual effect. Some use the drops in both eyes and then in the nose. This is safe as you are making eye drops.

  • 10 cc Saline solution (0.9% NaCl)
  • 100 mg Lincocin injectable
  • Put in bottle and use in nose.

Nebulization Equipment

  • Compressors provide a source of compressed air for aerosol therapy for inhalation. They are small and quiet.
  • Nebulizers are 12 cc cups used to hold the medication for treatment. They are connected to the nebulizing compressor to deliver medicated therapy for URI.
  • Nebulizing cages can be adapted from a regular kennel or a mobile carrier with the ventilation holes and door covered with Plexiglass. You want some ventilation so no need to make it airtight. The Puppywarmer® Puppy Incubator also attaches to a nebulizer.
  • The Puppywarmer® Handheld Nebulizer is easily portable and helps moisturize the upper respiratory tract, decrease cough, ease congestion, and help deliver inhaled medications to puppies and kittens. This portable nebulizer can also be used to treat animals with a mask or in an incubator.

Nebulizing Mix

What can I use to nebulize my dog? Nebulizing formula is flexible. In the past, there was a large numbers of ingredients. Current thinking is that less is better. The animal has to deal with whatever you put in it, so keep it simple. Saline solution hydrates the respiratory tract, breaking up the thick mucus, so the immune system can remove. Antibiotics kill bacteria, complicating the mix.

Dog and Cat Nebulizer Medication: Mixture One

  • 100 mg Lincocin
    • (Gentocin was used in the past but is no longer available. Lincocin has less kidney toxicity and from the same family.)
  • 11 cc Saline
    12 cc volume

Dog and Cat Nebulizer Medication: Mixture Two

2 cc Tylan 50or½ cc Tylan 200
10 cc Salineor11½ cc Saline
12 cc volume12 cc volume

Adjustments to this basic solution are accomplished through adjusting the volume of the sterile saline solution. Some add two drops of liquid Vicks as a natural bronchial dilator with the Eucalyptus in the Vicks. (Caution in using straight Eucalyptus oil as it usually ruins the nebulizing cup!)

How Many Times a Day Can You Use a Nebulizer for Puppies and Kittens

Run unit for 20 minutes. Then shut it off and leave the animal in the cage for an additional 20 minutes.

First day, you may do this twice, then once a day for five to seven days. Most improve rapidly by the third day, but do not discontinue at this point or the puppy may relapse. It is important to go two to three days past normal.

Treatment Without Medication

Treatment with only the sterile saline solution is beneficial in that it will break up the mucus in the lungs and nasal sinuses and allow the animal to breathe better. Some prefer to use saline and Vicks and have great success, especially on arrival in pet shops.

Oral Antibiotic

Mild cases of URI may need only nebulization, but if the animal is sick and/or running a fever, oral antibiotics are required. Treating from the inside out with antibiotics and the outside in with nebulization speeds a cure.

How to Clean a Nebulizer

Remove and rinse the nebulization cup after every use. This keeps the tiny port from clogging. As the cup gets worn, replace it. Dry the thin tubes that run from the nebulizer cup to the compressor. We want to keep bacteria and mold from growing in them.

Nebulizer Replacement Parts

  1. Filters – should be replaced periodically; remember each brand has its own filter.
  2. Corrugated tubing – eventually tubing gets brittle. Replace when that happens.
  3. Replacement packs – these are interchangeable on most nebulizers.

If you have more questions on nebulization in dogs and cats, call us at 800.786.4751.

Written by: Donald Bramlage, DVM

Donald Bramlage, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, practiced veterinary medicine for 30+ years and is known for his work in managing parvovirus. He received his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from Kansas State University in 1985. He served as Revival’s Director of Veterinary Services from 2011 until his retirement in 2019.

If you need help, call us at 800.786.4751.