Diseases, Nutrition

Diabetes in Cats

How can I tell if my cat has diabetes? Although diabetes can be a serious and scary condition, most cases of feline diabetes can be effectively managed. With the right care and management, your cat has a good chance of living an active and healthy life. Some cats even go into remission and no longer require insulin injections.

What is Feline Diabetes?

Diabetes mellitus results from either a shortage of insulin in the body or if the body has trouble using insulin. Unlike dogs who are more likely to have type I diabetes, cats more commonly have type II diabetes, similar to people. However, by the time cats are diagnosed, many have progressed to type I diabetes. Type I diabetes is caused by a lack of insulin production, while type II diabetes results from ineffective insulin or the body’s inadequate response to insulin.

Feline diabetes is typically diagnosed in older cats and neutered male cats. However, diabetes can affect all breeds and ages of cats, both male and female.

The key risk factors for feline diabetes include genetics, chronic pancreatitis, feline obesity, physical inactivity, and an indoor lifestyle.

Cat Diabetes Symptoms

The symptoms of diabetes in cats include increased thirst, increased urination, more “accidents” outside of the litter box, increased hunger, weight loss, lethargy, depression, vomiting, and thinning, dry or dull hair. Some cats may develop a plantigrade stance, causing him to stand and walk with his hocks touching or almost touching the ground.

How to Diagnose Diabetes in Cats

For veterinarians to diagnose diabetes in cats, they typically have to take a couple of tests, including a urinary analysis and blood glucose concentration test. Diabetes is usually diagnosed when there are high glucose levels found in the blood and the urine.

How to Treat Diabetes in Cats

It may be necessary for your cat to see the veterinarian more frequently when first diagnosed. This will allow your veterinarian to closely monitor your cat and develop an effective diabetes treatment plan.

Although there is no way to specifically treat diabetes, the condition can usually be managed with insulin injections, blood tests, and changes in diet. Testing your cat’s blood regularly will help you identify if blood sugar levels are too high or too low. Insulin is given by an injection under the skin, usually twice a day. Your cat will also need a diet high in protein and low in carbohydrate, and if he is overweight, weight management may also be necessary. Each cat is different, so your veterinarian will be able to find the correct insulin dose and diet for your pet.

After some treatment, some cats might reach a period of remission in which their blood sugar is stabilized and they no longer need insulin injections. This doesn’t mean that the cat is cured of diabetes—you will still need to closely monitor and manage his diet and lifestyle.

What Happens if My Cat Has Diabetes?

Cats with diabetes often develop other problems, as a result of prolonged high blood glucose levels. High levels of glucose can damage nerves over time, resulting in weakness and muscle wasting, especially in the hind legs.

Can Diabetes in Cats Be Prevented?

Feline diabetes cannot be prevented, but you can reduce the risk of your cat getting diabetes by feeding him a proper diet, managing his weight, and encouraging exercise.

Although diabetes is a serious condition, the disease is usually manageable with the right care and treatment. If properly managed, many diabetic cats have normal lifespans and are able to live a healthy and happy life.

If you have more questions on cat diabetes, call us at 800.786.4751.

If you need help, call us at 800.786.4751.